
Neue Kantonsschule Aarau - Class G3A

Picture: Neue Kantonsschule Aarau - Class G3A

"We are a chaotic class, to put it mildly. From enjoying paper planes and playing kahoot all the way to doing a secret Santa during December, we have fun. We profit from our individual knowledge and strengths and therefore efficiently help each other.
At the moment, our class activity is reduced to actually none. However, before the pandemic we did enjoy throwing parties from time to time and bask in the moments of light-heartedness. And now, we take on the challenge of Science on the Move! We are all very excited and looking forward to yet another adventure!"


Posts on Instagram: simplyscience.g3a

Picture: Neue Kantonsschule Aarau - Class G3A

Erstellt: 26.01.2021

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