
Lycée Jean-Piaget (Neuchâtel) - Class 2M Biologie oc

Picture: Lycée Jean-Piaget (Neuchâtel) - Class 2M Biologie oc

"It is a class composed of students of the city of Neuchâtel's two high schools. Six students are from LJP (Lycée Jean-Piaget) and five students from LDDR (Lycée Denis-de-Rougement). These students have different specific options, but all of them have chosen Biology as  their complementary option.
Students are enthusiastic to participate in Science on the Move 2019. Although there are only two hours per week of the Biology complementary option in the school curriculum, they are ready to devote much more free time during the 8 weeks of Phase 1 of the project in order to increase their chances to proceed to Phase 2 of the competition."

Picture: Lycée Jean-Piaget (Neuchâtel) - Class 2M Biologie oc

Erstellt: 11.01.2019

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