
Science on the Move - Task 1

Bild: © Hans Hillewaert/Wikimedia Commons, CC-Lizenz

The first task is about the differentiation and behaviour of little animals called brine shrimps (Artemia spp.). Let's get to know them...

Task 1 - The Challenge

In the file below you will find all information about Task 1 of Science on the Move 2015.
Download it and read it very carefully! We wish you good luck and a lot of fun!

Task 1 - The Challenge


Publication and closing dates

Publication Task 1: Monday, 23.02.2015, 08:00

Closing date Task 1 and submission of results:
Sunday, 29.03.2015, 23:59 at the very latest (postponed from Friday, 27.03.15!)

Please create one single PDF file including all your answers, solutions, pictures, other documenting material and the activity list. The PDF file should have a maximum size of 6 MB and must be named exactly as described in the "Task 1" document.
Please send your PDF file to scienceonthemove(at)simplyscience.ch.


Erstellt: 23.02.2015

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