
SOTM 2017 - Student Movie Voting

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Before the top 10 classes of Science on the Move 2017 are selected, there is one additional and obligatory task for all participating classes: To vote for the movies submitted by their competitors!

How to proceed

A playlist with the movies of the 38 participating classes that managed to fulfill the experimental task can be found on our YouTube channel.

Each class as a whole must have a look at the movies from the other classes and select their three favorites.
For the sake of fairness towards the other competing classes, please have a closer look at ALL the other movies, before you make your decision. You cannot vote for your own class!

Please vote by following the instructions you got by email from the SimplyScience team.

Send the e-mail to scienceonthemove@simplyscience.ch until Wednesday, 03.05.2017, 23.59 at the latest!

PLEASE NOTE: This voting task is obligatory and a prerequisite to get the “ticket” for the Final Event (if you are among the top 10)!!!

-[gt] To the movie playlist


Deadline Student Voting: Wednesday, 03.05.2017, 23:59


Erstellt: 19.04.2017

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