
SOTM 2019 - Experimental Task

Bild: Creative Commons / Royroydeb

Understanding through models - to understand or at least to try to explain a chemical or biological process or structure, we need models.

The Challenge

In the file below you will find all information about the experimental task of Science on the Move 2019.
Download it and read it very carefully! We wish you good luck and a lot of fun!

Experimental Task - The Challenge

Please use the PPT file below as the template for your poster.
All further information about the creation of the poster is available in the description of the experimental task.

Poster-Template (PPT)


Publication and Closing Dates

Publication experimental task: Monday, 11.02.2019, 08:00

Closing date experimental task and submission of results:
Friday, 05.04.2019, 13:00 at the very latest!

Please create the 3 files exactly as requested and send them via WeTransfer to scienceonthemove(at)simplyscience.ch.


Erstellt: 08.02.2019

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